Verticle Slice "Super Smash Bros Ultimate"
In our second year we made an assignment where we had to work together with the game artists who also study at this school, here we worked on a Verticle slice. Most developers wil probably be familiar with this term but for those wo are not, a Verticle slice is where you remake a small part of an already existing game. There where a lot of choices for the Verticle slice, but after some looking around I stuck with "Super Smash Bros". With a team of 4 programmers and 4 artists we started this project
Player 1 of Player 2
To make local multiplayer possible I had to assign different action buttons for the two different instances of the script.
I used a ternary conditional operator that checks if the player is player 1 and if not it has to be player 2
Assigning the quick attack keys
private void CheckPlayer()
if (Player != 1 && Player != 2) Application.Quit();
QuickAttackKeyCode = Player == 1 ? KeyCode.C : KeyCode.O;
Assigning the heavy attack keys
private void CheckPlayer()
if (Player != 1 && Player != 2) Application.Quit();
HeavyAttackKeyCode = Player == 1 ? KeyCode.V : KeyCode.P;
As mentioned we had to cooperate with game artist for this project, these are the two player models that they made for the game
here you see models for Kirby and Jigglypuff